“Fill your pages with the breathings of your heart.”
— William Wordsworth

The Road of Exodus
“I won’t forget
The wonder of how You brought
Deliverance, the exodus of my heart”
The exodus of God’s people from Egypt is one of the most referenced events in the Bible. It’s a classic Sunday school story.
I think sometimes we forget that it’s…

The Weight of Destiny
I got to have a sweet conversation with Gaby this morning. The book we were reading had the word ‘destiny’ in it and she asked what that meant. I tried my best to give an explanation and then she says…

Are We There Yet?
Are we there yet? It's the oft-comical question of the hour, or more realistically, the minute. But it is most definitely our hearts' serious and desperate cry- our knees banging the cold concrete begging God like the Psalmist (David)- "How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?

With Open Hands
“I’ll never catch Your light
Living with knuckles white
Keeping my fists held tight
I’ll never touch Your heart
Or take in all You are
Trying to hide my scars
I’m letting go of holding on”

The Good News or the Bad News?
C.S Lewis says in The Problem of Pain: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” He says that…

Not Much of a Farmer
God calls me to get behind the wheel of a planter but right now I'm not feeling like much of a farmer.

The Greatest of These
I wait. I sit. I stand. I pace. It’s a race, against time, against my illusion of falling short. I can’t wait any longer. You do what I want, when I want, how I want. Never soon enough. Never good enough. Stop wasting my time. It’s mine, not yours. Still pacing. If it’s not now it must not be right. Have to fight the wait or I might burst. Urgent. And then you say that.

Cloudy Days
We are a people of variety aren’t we? We get tired of the same old things, as much as we praise routine and normalcy, we still wish we could be unique, have metamorphosis. Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?

Don’t Be an Idiot
Michael Scott: “What is the most inspiring thing I’ve ever said to you?"
Dwight Schrute: “Don’t be an idiot. Changed my life.” [To camera] “Whenever I’m about to do something I think- ‘Would an idiot do that?’ And if they would, I do not do that thing.”

Invisible Words
“ ‘I’m no artist, but I don’t think the point of art is to mean, I think it’s to render. If it doesn’t do that, if it needs a plaque to explain it, it’s not art. It’s like nature- what does a bird mean by its song? What does a flower mean when it blooms? It means beauty. Any explanation beyond that is superfluous.’ ”

Origin Story
Just the right combination of words can bring someone to tears, laughter, rage, despair, or admiration. Words tell a story, portray beauty, cross boundaries. They teach, rebuke, encourage, reach, destroy, and restrain.