About Me
A wise person once told me: “Read a book.” So I did. In fact, I have read more books than I can count on both of my hands. If you would do me the honor, I shall recount them to you via an ancient art form known as a ‘book review.’
My name is Brittany. I am wife to a giant, mother to four littles (8 and under), living in the paradise known as Iowa, and devouring books by the minute. Just kidding. Didn’t you read that last sentence? I have a freakin’ family to take care of. Most of my minutes are not my own. Though my free time is limited, by the grace of God, I still pound about 50 books a year. I will read almost anything, but my shelves are heavy on the Christian/Theology/Thriller/Suspense/YA/Historical Fiction genres. (No, there are no books that combine all of these….yet. I’ve clearly just identified a hole in the market.)
If I’m not reading, you might find me doing artsy things like painting, cross stitching, diamond dots, or building cakes (nope, not this one) but usually I’m a teacher or a tickle-monster or a lego-master or a dancing machine. Or just a mom doing laundry and washing a thousand cups and saying “Don’t put that in your mouth” for the one thousandth time. I’m really good at almost all types of puzzles. I watch too much TV and eat too much cheese (the Kraft kind, not the sophisticated charcuterie magic I’ve heard about). My trickshot famous husband (@thatll.work- yeah I just plugged that) and I like to win, I mean, play sports and strategy board games. The real kind, not Uno or Apples to Apples (no offense…mostly).
I love the sun. I love The Office. I love learning. I love gummi bears. I don’t love trying new foods, losing, or washing dishes. I don’t like exercising unless I’m playing a sport (that’s not soccer).
Someday I’m going to write a profound and hilarious memoir.
To read is to grow and I hope all of us, myself included, are doing it. There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who love books and those who don’t know it yet. So follow along on my expeditions through time, space, and paper as I provide my super valuable opinions about stuff that I read. You will not regret it (at least forever). And who knows… you, too, may read more books than you have fingers!
What You’ll Find Here
I started reviewing books 4 years ago. If you’re wondering what you’re going to get when you read what I write, I will tell you: humor and honesty. And I really love Jesus so everything will be reviewed through a lens of a woman who desires, though in a broken stagger, to follow Christ and thus promote life, hope, love, truth, and good.
Why do I review books? Well, first of all, I love to read and writing reviews helps me remember and be able to reference things I’ve read. But secondly, I review to help and persuade others to read too. With four little kids to take care of, I know more than most about the investment reading a book can be. I want to be able to provide feedback on what books are worth your time and what ones are not. It’s so frustrating to get partway through a book and wish you hadn’t wasted all that time. Also, if you aren’t currently reading something, maybe I can persuade you to pick up a book. There are so many benefits to reading; I want to do my part to make reading easier and more enjoyable for others.
Anyone can read the summary blurb on the back of a book. I will often give some sort of description of the premise, but what I try to provide in my reviews is intended to be more of my personal opinion of the content and whether or not I enjoyed the book. I try not to include spoilers if I can help it, and if I do, I usually bracket them with all caps to give you the chance to look away.
You will find a wide variety of genres on my site. I’m usually always reading a Christian Living/Theology book and a novel at any given time. I don’t read much Romance, Graphic Novels, Horror, or Poetry. I will read some Classical and Women’s Fiction, but I’m not typically drawn there first.
I do not claim to be an objective reviewer, but I do my best to be fair. You will get a pretty clear view of my opinions and beliefs in what I share as I try to do it respectfully. I’m assuming there will be lots of times where we disagree. I appreciate you taking the time to read my reviews anyway. Reading is a growing experience because we can consider other viewpoints and experiences. I am trying to do a better job of reading things I might disagree with every now and then so that I might come to better understanding of others and the world around me. Let’s do better together!
I often receive and review Advanced Reader Copies through NetGalley or Amazon of books yet to be published so you may get information here of new books coming out!
I use a star rating system when I post my reviews to my Goodreads account and Amazon but here I will leave it off and let my words do the talking. I would say most of my reviews end up being positive, but I will post reviews with criticisms as well. Also, If I don’t enjoy a book but don’t feel like I’m the target audience, I will clarify that for other readers.
If you’re looking for honesty and humor from a book lover who wants to share with you all of her spoils- you’ve come to the right place. Sit and read awhile!

Something Missing?
Is there a book missing from my list that you would like to see a review for? Send me a message and let me know! I can’t promise I’ll get to every request, but if it’s already on my To-Read list, I can move it up to the top!
I only started reviewing books more seriously in the last few years, so there are a lot of books I’ve read that I never wrote reviews on. If there’s one you’d like to know about, I might have already read it and can give a recommendation. Or maybe I’ll just reread it and write a review just for you!