What kind of reader are you?

‘What Kind of Reader Are You?’

[A Shelf Reflection Quiz]

Add one point for every statement that describes you and
scroll to the bottom to get your result!

I’ve shared this on social media a couple times but this is the slightly new and improved version!

I changed a few of the statements and then created results so you know exactly who you are! (Just kidding… no quiz can define you amiright?)

At the time I am writing this, I am a Shelf-Confident Reader but I’m borderline Shelf-Righteous

Share your result in the comments and don’t forget to share this to your social media so you can see what all your friends are!

Have you ever….

1. Read more than two books on vacation

2. Bought a book at a garage sale

3. Read an autobiography

4. Bought someone else a book

5. Thought maybe you would write a book

6. Actually written a book

7. Had an inside joke with a friend about a book character

8. Named your child after a book character

9. Underlined in a book

10. Dropped a book on your face while reading on your back

11. Pestered a person to return a book you loaned them

12. Alphabetized your books

13. Used a gift card to buy a book

14. Saved ideas for an in-home library

15. Told people you identified most with the Disney princess Belle because she loves reading

16. Had a Goodreads account

17. Brought a book to a movie

18. Brought a book to a date

19. Brought a book to an appointment

20. Disliked a celebrity after reading their memoir

21. Liked a celebrity more after reading their memoir

22. Received a book you already had

23. Read an Advanced Reader’s Copy of a book

24. Bought a book just because it was pretty

25. Stopped dating someone because they didn’t like reading

26. Sold any of your books

27. Cancelled plans so you could finish your book

28. Bought more than 7 books at one time

29. Read a graphic novel (this means a book like a comic book)

30. Thrown a book across the room for what it said to you

31. Finished a series with more than 5 books

32. Reread a book you pretended to read in high school

33. Read a book by a fireplace

34. Read a book in a hammock

35. Had more than one library card

36. Used a receipt as a bookmark

37. Shared a quote from a book on social media

38. Fell asleep reading

39. Completed a reading challenge

40. Finished a book you didn’t like

41. Hugged a book

42. Dreamt about a book you were reading

43. Googled pictures of the place you’re reading about

44. Been part of a book club

45. Made a craft using books or parts of books

46. Taken a picture of your bookshelf

47. Mispronounced a word because you’ve never heard it, only read it

48. Loved the book more than the movie

49. Gone to a book signing

50. Messaged with an author

51. Picked a book up specifically to smell it

52. Gotten a book-related tattoo

53. Gotten library overdue fees because you didn’t return a book you hadn’t finished yet

54. Spilled something on a book while reading

55. Had a stack of books by your bed

56. Stayed up waaaay to late to finish a book

57. Corrected spelling/grammar in a book

58. Made a recipe/food from a book (that’s not a cookbook)

59. Said you’d never read digital books but now you do

60. Read a book over 500 pages

61. Visited my book review website: www.shelfreflection.com


Check your score and see what kind of reader you are:

0-10: Shelf-Pity

Do you even know what a book is? You probably think Mark Twain is a form of country music! You’re likely to say- ‘I haven’t read that book, but I HAVE seen the movie!’ You’re probably traumatized from high school lit class where they made you read Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm but I’m here to let you know that reading can be fun and there are a lot of better books than the classics if you give them a chance. You’ll probably find yourself browsing my website by genre and finding your next read so you can start moving up the ranks. And don’t worry, no book tattoo required.

11-20: Shelf-Starter

You probably have a book with a bookmark keeping your place collecting dust somewhere. You’d like to be a reader but you’re just too busy right now. Every once in awhile you buy a book that a good friend recommends to you, but you’re not sure why because you’re probably not going to finish it. You won’t lie- sometimes you’ve just skipped to the end to see what happens and don’t read the middle. There is no way you can imagine committing to an entire book series. You have the most success with audiobooks because you can listen while you’re driving to work and activities. Actually, you probably prefer podcasts to books, but that’s okay because there’s still time to get yourself a library card! While you have a lot to get done, you’ll probably decide that you can let your list go for a little bit for the sake of exploring a book because you’ve realized you need more imagination in your life. But you won’t want to waste your time so you’ll probably find this list of Best Books of 2022 to be a good resource for you to choose your next read.

21-30: Shelf-Conscious

You’ve read enough books to be dangerous but you probably only read what Oprah reads and your social media proves it. You probably organize your bookshelf by color and you’re not that excited by libraries. You probably read the most when you go on a beach vacation and are sure to tell other people reading the most recently hyped book that you ‘loved that one!’ Reading for you is more about the social experience and being able to discuss with friends so you are probably part of a book club or plan to be. You probably don’t care that much to read book reviews but find BookTok to be helpful. Since you’re so into the popular reading challenges, you’ll probably check out Shelf Reflection’s 2024 Reading Challenge and decide to join, but this time, you’ll try to find some lesser known authors and risk having your own opinion about things! Just kidding. But seriously.

31-40: Shelf-Sufficient

You really enjoy reading but you’re not about to shirk your responsibilities for a book. You enjoy completing reading challenges and discovering new authors and genres. You probably have a library card and you’re very good about getting the books back on time. If you have free time, sometimes you read, but you won’t turn down hang-out time with friends to finish a book. You enjoy reading book reviews to make sure you’re going to like the book you’re thinking of reading, but you don’t go out of your way to post your own review of the books you read. You may also be toying with the idea of a book-related tattoo that will push you right into shelf-confidence. Can you handle it? If you’re curious how well-versed you are in books, you’ll probably enjoy this ALL ABOUT BOOKS CROSSWORD PUZZLE. What’s next for you is probably trying to read one book a week and that’s a pretty good goal!

41-50: Shelf-Confident

People who know you know that you are obsessed with reading and you usually spend your extra money on books. You’re not afraid to try new authors. I mean, when you read so many books a year you can spare a risk or two. You probably struggle to have a conversation with someone without referencing a book you recently read so hopefully people don’t avoid you because of it! You probably organize your bookshelves alphabetically by author name and only lend out your precious books to close friends who you know will take care of them. You enjoy gifting books and bookish things to your friends so I’m sure you’ll find some good ideas on THIS LIST. Reading for you is probably part entertainment and part knowledge. You read what you know you’ll enjoy but you’re also curious about what other people are recommending. Once you write that book you’ve been talking about, you’ll probably find yourself a little shelf-righteous.

51-60: Shelf-Righteous

You are solidly on your way to becoming a bibliobibuli and we’re not sure if that’s a good thing. You probably have a pretty decent-sized library and are looking to buy a bigger house with more bookshelves. Most of the t-shirts you have are book-related, but you still need more so you’ll probably buy something from my unique and fun SHOP. You go to bed at night excited to get up and read the next day. You probably have at least 2-3 books that you are reading at one time and prefer to read a new book before anyone else. Reading for you is about achievement and you probably have a lofty goal of how many books you think you’ll read this year. You also have a compulsion to buy books (hardcover, of course) even though you know you’ll never be able to read them all because you can’t stop collecting! You also probably have a few judgements for other people who claim to be ‘readers’ and you’re probably right but perhaps you should channel those observations into helping other people understand what is so fun about reading!

61: Bibliobibuli (bib-lee-oh-bib-yoo-lie)

A bibliobibuli is a person who reads too much. And I think you know this about yourself. You should probably take it easy on the books and make sure you still have some friends. But if you got this score that means you for sure visited my website and I really appreciate that about you!

**created by Shelf Reflection**