“Fill your pages with the breathings of your heart.”
— William Wordsworth

Honest Prayers of a Weary Mom
What does it look like to pray honestly?
I asked a bunch of my mom friends: What is the most honest prayer you’ve ever prayed as a mom?
The responses I got were real and vulnerable…

It’s Okay to Offend
I think we should all be walking around with name tags that say- ‘Hello, I am: Offended.’ It seems to be the mantra of the current culture.
But what if I told you it was biblical to offend?

Fruitful Children
How can we teach our kids about the fruit of the Spirit in practical and easy to understand ways?
This post will help with that…

Spirited: Unredeemable?
The new Christmas movie starring Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds is a twist on the classic tale The Christmas Carol. But it asks some interesting questions like: What if…

Behave or Behold?
I hope this blog series hasn’t bogged you down in the weeds of ‘behaving.’ Satan wants us to view obedience like a checklist, a way of earning our salvation.
What do we do when we mess up?
Is our focus on behaving or beholding the God who is our helper and sustainer?

Self Control
“Self-control is the believer’s wall of defense against the sinful desires that wage war against his soul.”
Self-control is self-denial.
Do our thought patterns show our pride and create idols that hinder us from accessing the Spirit’s power to resist our sinful desires?
Let’s reflect on how self-control overlaps with all the other fruit of the Spirit and how we are free from the chains of self-satisfaction.

‘“Gentleness will demonstrate respect for the personal dignity of the other person. Where necessary, it will seek to change a wrong opinion or attitude by persuasion and kindness, not by domination or intimidation.”
When we discipline our children do they feel like their bad choices have separated them from our love?
Are we reasonable or dogmatic and inflexible?
Let’s reflect on how we can respect our children when we discipline them and make them feel heard and loved. Jesus was gentle and lowly and we should exemplify his love and humility even as we assert truth.

“The faith that we possess indicates whether or not we truly remember God in his proper place. It proclaims whether or not we believe that He is the author of all creation and the cradle of all life with perfect authority over us and the world.”
Is faith conditional?
What does faithfulness look like?
Let’s reflect on ways that God has been faithful and how we can teach it to our kids.

Kindness & Goodness
“Kindness is the inner disposition, created by the Holy Spirit, that causes us to be sensitive to the needs of others, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Goodness is kindness in action— words and deeds.”
How can we be kind when others take it for granted?
Is it worth it to be good if we can’t readily see the benefits?
Is God really good?
Let’s reflect on how we can be kind and good to our children when our generosity goes unnoticed and what our motives should be in the first place.

“Love gives, even at great cost to itself.” (Bridges)
The first trait in Paul’s list is love. This shows prominence. All the traits are important but “love binds all the other virtues together in perfect unity.”
The fruit of the Spirit are relational.
Love, in its essence, involves more than…

Fruitful Motherhood
“When we abide in the Spirit, we take on a new nature in Christ, we are no longer branches bound for death. We are now grafted into a living, fruitful vine which causes us to bear good fruit.” — Sarah Morrison, The Fruit of the Spirit
Are the fruit of the Spirit too familiar to us?
I think about being a mom to my kids. I think about how I see their sin nature daily. And how I respond with my sin nature.
Am I kind and gentle or harsh? Am I patient or impatient? Am I self-controlled when I’m frustrated and weary or am I reactive in ways I have to apologize to them for later?

When You’ve Reached Your Limits
If there is one thing I’ve learned from motherhood, it’s that it pushes you to your limits.
Okay, I’ve learned some other things too, but let’s be real. Nothing can prepare you for the way being a mom stretches you.
I mean this very literally— I had 3 pregnancies, the last one carrying twins to 30 weeks— but also figuratively.
I have never…

Wait and Watch
‘What are you doing?’ we ask God.
Why is God idle? When will my pain end?
Like Habakkuk, we stand at our watch tower. Waiting and watching.

Faithful with Little
That’s the goal right?
Change people’s lives. Change the narrative. Change the laws and policies. Change the culture. Change perceptions, attitudes, hearts, minds.
We want to make a difference. Not a little difference.
A BIG one. One that really matters.

Tell Them a Story
‘Tell me a story,’ she says.
My three and five year old daughters love wolf stories. The wolf can be good or bad. They don’t care as long as there is a wolf.
We tell our kids lots of stories. And they always have happy endings right? Our kids are susceptible to fear and sadness and we try to avoid those emotions for them.
But there are some stories we need to tell our children. Truths they need to hear.