The Warden and the Wolf King
Perfect ending to an excellent series! This series was one of those where you just sigh and smile and feel very satisfied. You feel better for having read it. Peterson is such…

The Monster in the Hollows
“When it rages long enough, hate doesn’t need a reason. It burns for the sake of its own heat and devours whatever, or whomever, is set before it.”

North! Or Be Eaten
The author did an awesome job of weaving this story. There were several 'stops' along the way of dangers the Wingfeathers had to get through. The whole time, you wonder 'how are they going to make it?' It was nice to feel…

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
When the story began by describing the world's first man as Dwayne and the first woman as Gladys, and that the first sentence spoken 'Well, here we are' was repeated and handed down until the world became known as 'Aerwiar'- I knew I was going to like this book.