On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness Book Cover

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness (The Wingfeather Saga #1)
By: Andrew Peterson

When the story began by describing the world's first man as Dwayne and the first woman as Gladys, and that the first sentence spoken 'Well, here we are' was repeated and handed down until the world became known as 'Aerwiar'- I knew I was going to like this book.

Add to that the Nameless Evil (named Gnag), the Fangs of Dang, and a meep (which is about the size of a full-grown chorkney, an animal that stands about as high as a flabbit) and you've got yourself a good storyteller.

It's a little cheeky. But I like that. It was clever and entertaining. Peterson did an excellent job with writing this story, complete with helpful footnotes and appendices for those of us unfamiliar with Aerwiar (I have to chuckle to myself every time I say this word in my head...)

The plot was intriguing and created a surprising amount of suspense. The story moved at a quick pace and leaves you on a well-done cliffhanger. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

I could also see myself reading this again with my children once they're older- would be a great read-aloud option for a family.

This book... there's just. There's just so much chuckling…


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