The Warden and the Wolf King

The Warden and the Wolf King Book Cover

The Warden and the Wolf King (The Wingfeather Saga #4)
By: Andrew Peterson

Perfect ending to an excellent series!

This series was one of those where you just sigh and smile and feel very satisfied. You feel better for having read it. Peterson is such a good storyteller, and his allegorical writing reminds me of early Ted Dekker in that it paints a tangible picture of good and evil, of our battle against the sin and rebellion in our hearts. About the redemption of the Maker and a picture of what Earth was meant to be and what Heaven will be.

It resonates with your soul and begs you to remember who you are- children of the King. And all this intertwined with adventure, loss, courage, and hope.

And Aerwiar at the end. It was a worthwhile journey I'd take again.


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