Smoke Screen
I've always liked Terri Blackstock's books. This was no exception. She captures the emotional wreck (what I imagine is pretty realistic) of divorce, a custody battle, and what plays into Brenna's depression and alcohol abuse. Nate, the other main character, is the…

He gives you a lot to think about- spiritually, ethically, philosophically and technologically. The main plot involving terrorist attacks focuses on Artificial Intelligence in a world where AI is more human-like than ever before. It's not far-fetched to think about it becoming…

Girl, Wash Your Face
Hollis writes that she never reads reviews anymore, so she probably won’t read this, but I hope she can recognize her mission for herself is pushing God out of her life. Don’t let this be true of you.

You Who?
"If you are looking for a book that will gently pet your bangs and soothe your worried brow, telling you how beautiful you are, this is not it."

Talking to Strangers
This reminds me why I minored in Psychology. Studying people is just so fascinating! I've read Outliers, and was equally as interested in that. Here Gladwell explains a lot of interesting social experiments done in the journey to better understand why…

Strands of Truth
Romantic suspense is not a genre I typically go for so I’m not exactly her target audience, and to her credit, I didn’t have the ENTIRE thing figured out by the end so that was good. It wasn’t as…

The Great Alone
No, it was not a thriller, and yes, the dysfunction in the family was angering. But after finishing, I think it painted a good picture of the struggles and psychology behind domestic abuse situations. Although…

Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Lots of information! Which is what I liked and didn't like at the same time. The TV show Timeless did an episode featuring Mrs. Sherlock Holmes and that was when I was first intrigued by this historical figure. So when I saw this book I knew I needed to read it! It gave me…

How Languages Saved Me
An incredible story! After reading so many WWII novels, this story seemed so unbelievable that he could evade capture for so long and escape authorities several times! Overall it was a fairly positive story…

A Single Light
Intense. Tosca starts out by letting us in on the happenings inside the bunker. When Noah’s daily messages stop coming the people are left wondering what is going on outside the silo and what the world be like when the door finally opens? Tosca captured my attention right away with the mystery and suspense. The added deadline of…

Everybody, Always
So many people rave about this book. I don’t. But maybe you should still read it. So what was the problem? After each time I read part of this book, I came away thinking…

The Storyteller
Why are there so many WWII books? And why do I keep reading them?! Every time I read them my heart is broken in new ways. It is just unfathomable to even experience the Holocaust secondhand through the written word. This quote from the book is…

Killing Kennedy
”Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.” If you like history and don’t already know everything there is to know about JFK, this is an excellent book! It is similar to…

The Good Liar
Fast-paced psychological thriller. Which woman is the good liar?

One Small Sacrifice
I got this as an Amazon First Reads. I tend to think worse of books I read on my phone as opposed to hard copies- for some subconscious reason. But this was actually a good one.

The Face of a Stranger
I’m not sure how I feel about this one. The writing style took a bit to get used to, taking place in Victorian England and often involving the Cockney accent. It was a book where I felt like…

I’ll Never Tell
Unexpected ending. It's similar to Big Little Lies in terms of how it's written- different chapters from each character's perspective, plus going back and forth between past and present.

The Warden and the Wolf King
Perfect ending to an excellent series! This series was one of those where you just sigh and smile and feel very satisfied. You feel better for having read it. Peterson is such…

The Intolerance of Tolerance
The idea that tolerance is intolerant is something we need to wrap our minds around. How can this statement be true?

The Monster in the Hollows
“When it rages long enough, hate doesn’t need a reason. It burns for the sake of its own heat and devours whatever, or whomever, is set before it.”