The Good Liar

The Good Liar Book Cover

The Good Liar
By: Catherine McKenzie

Fast-paced psychological thriller.

Which woman is the good liar?

McKenzie gives clues along the way and I wouldn’t say the ending shocked me- I had my suspicions- but it was still a great entertaining read.

For the most part, she writes believable characters with realistic dialogue. (Minus the 3 year olds— having a two year old I think they should have been able to speak better, but I digress)

It was a unique plot line that actually brought up some thought provoking hypotheticals- something I enjoy discussing with my husband. I wouldn’t say the characters were likable, but the story was intriguing and worth the read!

Now, having read two of her books I think I’ll pick up another one at some point. She has earned her place on my To-read shelf.


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