The Atlantis Plague
I love how he takes historical events and then takes liberty in speculating and creating a fiction story around it. I was googling gene therapy, Malta, the Black Plague, the Justinian plague, etc. I love when I can learn things while reading.
Station Eleven
A former Hollywood performer is now part of a traveling theater group in a dystopian future, fifteen years after the world changed forever.
Where My Heart Used to Beat
I was disappointed by this book. The title intrigued me, and the premise of how the war affected the main character in relation to memories. However, it fell flat.
The Atlantis Gene
It's a suspenseful and intriguing storyline that I can imagine making a great movie as the book suggested is in the works right now.
“Rescue wears masks, you know. It’s why people say it’s darkest before the dawn. Sometimes things take a long time to make sense. Could be years and years…Or they might never make sense. But that doesn’t mean you stop trusting that the world is being rescued… God favors redemption over perfection.”
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I haven’t decided how I feel about this book. I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t what I read.
It’s awesome that God chose parents to be part of our kids' redemptive story by leading them to Christ in every conversation or disciplinary action we take.
Her Baby’s Protector
That being said, both stories were very short- which did not leave any room for character or plot development or backstory. I found the writing a little cheesy, unrealistic, or unnatural...
I think this is a valuable read (if read as a memoir) to hear Justin's story and to truly understand the hearts behind people who are gay Christians. However, although it does rightly to inspire our compassion, I would not…
The Legend of Sheba
There is not much to build on, biblically speaking- We know the Queen of Sheba was intrigued by Solomon and his riches and wisdom and that she paid him a visit. But that’s the…
Memory Wall
Very well written. I loved his imagery and language throughout the book. I wish I would have…
“The logic is that since people are full of sin, God must be full of unhappiness. But this logic begins in the wrong place- with ourselves. We flatter ourselves by imagining we're the primary source of God's happiness, tilting him one way or the other by what we think, do, and say…”
The Program
I liked the plot and enjoyed the storyline. Well, it was pretty disturbing and scary to think about cults played out in real life but it was an engaging story and a good…
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The storyline is very adventurous, action-packed, creative, and entertaining. The addition of the vintage photographs is a unique element.
A Lineage of Grace
Obviously she took some liberties to flesh out the stories as we are not told in the Bible the thoughts and motives and details of these accounts, but the way she writes makes you really see the other side and perspectives of the 'well-known' passages.
Firstly, you won’t find Liam Neeson in this book. Or any special sets of skills for that matter.
Pray for Silence
I wish I had never started this book.
Just Do Something
“The only chains God wants us to wear are the chains of righteousness—not the chains of hopeless subjectivism, not the shackles of risk-free living, not the fetters of horoscope decision making— just the chains befitting a bond servant of Christ Jesus. Die to self. Live for Christ. And then do what you want, and go where you want, for God’s glory.”
Once We Were Brothers
The main character, Elliot, in present day, recognizes who he thinks to be Otto (though now with a different name), a boy raised by Elliot’s family/turned Nazi officer and accuses him of his past crimes, including stealing his family’s wealth.
Chaos Walking
This series is one where you become very invested in the story. It’s one I hated and I loved.