Where My Heart Used to Beat

Where My Heart Used to Beat Book Cover

Where My Heart Used to Beat
By: Sebastian Faulks

I was disappointed by this book. The title intrigued me, and the premise of how the war affected the main character in relation to memories. However, it fell flat. The main character was kind of boring. A lot of the references and writing was lost on me as it was written by a British author so I didn't understand some of it.

I've read a few books that explore memory, and thought there were a few hidden gems in the book. I liked that they talked about how whenever we revisit a memory we change it. And I think it's true, when we remember, we are approaching the memory with a new self, one with new insights, feelings, and circumstances. We see the memory in a new light and change how we perceive it from then on and so forth whenever we do this.

The book had potential but I guess it just wasn't my style of writing, it lacked character development, and had a decent amount of references or passages that I had to just skip over.


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