The Tenant

The Tenant Book Cover

The Tenant (Korner and Werner #1)
By: Katrine Engberg

Translated to English and taking place in Copenhagen, this was a new experience for me- I don't think I've read any Nordic/Scandinavian Noir as many reviewers have categorized this. Good luck pronouncing most of the proper nouns!

It was an interesting setting with theatrical ties and a compelling murder(s) scene/plot, but for some reason I just couldn't get into this one. To me, the characters weren't engaging, the murder victim was somewhat of an enigma even into the ending, and I just found myself unable to picture or imagine what was going on, let alone care.. I wasn't transported into the story. I also didn't care for a lot of the language and content. Overall, the plot points seemed well-crafted, but the rest of it did not engage me enough to want to read any of her other books.

Also- the title and cover give off this sinister feeling about who her tenants are, but in reality, the tenants themselves aren't really the focus. One of them was murdered, but we don't really get to know her at all. It's a bit misleading to see the front of the book.

**Received an ARC via NetGalley**


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