The Survivors
The Survivors
By: Jane Harper
[Nominated for ‘Best Mystery/Thriller’ category of the 2021 Goodreads Choice Awards Reading Challenge]
“Are they supposed to be happy or sad? I mean, is it a celebration of the people who made it, or a memorial to the ones who didn't?”
This quote is in reference to a statue facing the ocean looking over a shipwreck. It doubles as a question about the main characters who survived a storm and a tragedy over a decade ago. There are mixed feelings throughout this book. Are we happy or are we sad?
The only other Jane Harper book I’ve read is The Dry and that was four years ago. Part of me thinks I like that one better but it’s been so long.
I still enjoyed this book and found it a compelling mystery.
The downside to this mystery as opposed to The Dry (if I remember right), is that I don’t know if there were really many clues to solve this one on your own. It’s just kinda a ‘BOOM! That’s what happened.’ at the end of the book.
Brief Synopsis
Kieran and his partner Mia are back in Tasmania to help Kieran’s parents move when a body is found on the beach, forceably drowned.
The investigation brings up bad memories for Kieran and many others in the town as there are a lot of similarities to another girl’s disappearance twelve years ago during a storm that also killed Kieran’s brother.
Kieran has been weighed down with the burden that it was his fault his brother is dead.
But when more information comes to light and his dad’s confused ramblings hint at things he never knew, Kieran finds out that what he remembers from twelve years ago may not be accurate and the body found on the beach may be connected.
I felt like the ending was a bit abrupt. However, this may be Harper’s MO. She gives most of a conclusion but doesn’t wrap things up very nicely. Once we find out what really happened we don’t get to see how this information plays out in the town or in Kieran’s own family.
One thing that I felt wasn’t explained very well was the birds around the caves being worked up. They made several references to the birds being out of sorts like something strange was going on. But there was no concrete connection to the birds and what we discover at the end. Were the birds just an omen without any real purpose? If so, I don’t like that in this book. It seemed meaningful but nothing was explained.
I also feel like we didn’t get sufficient explanation for some of the things Kieran’s dad said and how they resolved his confusion at the end after knowing the truth.
We go back between present day and twelve years ago, but it’s not always clearly marked, so at times it was a bit confusing.
Was the ending satisfying? I’m not sure. I think there was an element of let-down because it wasn’t as sinister as I originally thought. But I liked that I didn’t have it figured out.
I would definitely recommend this book. I think it’s a fast and mysterious read. A bit of a slow burn but the setting and characters are compelling and there were a lot of suspects.
There wasn’t much profanity, which is also nice too!
I think I’ll have to go back and read Harper’s other books.
This book released back in January, 2022! You can purchase a copy using my affiliate link below.
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