The Girl Behind the Red Rope
Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields

The Girl Behind the Red Rope

Based on the previously mentioned books, I kind of knew what to expect: dystopian-ish setting, tangible evil (here- the Fury), a seductive evil person, a bunch of references to light and darkness, a Jesus-like child character who is either smiling, singing, or laughing, a green water experience, the seeming death of a 'savior'-type character, and a supernatural showdown. It had all the elements, and…

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The 49th Mystic
Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields

The 49th Mystic

The main biblical concepts found in the book include: perfect love casts out fear, having a right view of who God is, seeing events and people the way God sees them and not through our sinful earthly filter, & knowing suffering and our earthly bodies are temporary and we are made for more than this…

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