Fatal Domain
Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields

Fatal Domain

“There is always a cost to doing what’s right. Sometimes it costs you everything you have. But it should not cost you everything you are.”

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Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields


He gives you a lot to think about- spiritually, ethically, philosophically and technologically. The main plot involving terrorist attacks focuses on Artificial Intelligence in a world where AI is more human-like than ever before. It's not far-fetched to think about it becoming…

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Every Wicked Man
Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields

Every Wicked Man

I have now read all the books in this series. And this was another winner. Steven James is an excellent writer who weaves a tangled web of mystery quite well, maintaining suspense, adding tasteful humor, giving his characters depth and intelligence, and challenging the reader in all sorts of moral or spiritual dilemmas.

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Every Deadly Kiss
Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields

Every Deadly Kiss

Another great Steven James book! In comparison to Every Crooked Path, this was not as heavy subject material-a big theme is the racial profiling, terrorism discussion.

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Book Reviews Brittany Shields Book Reviews Brittany Shields


What I love about Steven James' books is how he wrestles with morality, ethics, belief, etc. He likes to ask questions. And a lot of times it's the questions everyone is thinking but no one wants to ask. I appreciate that about his writing.

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