
Better Book Cover

Better: A Study of Hebrews
By: Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin’s studies are always so good! She does a great job of walking you through the text and parsing out the meaning as intended for the first audience and then how it applies to us as readers far removed.

This study is a 10-week video-based Bible Study on the book of Hebrews. Depending where you buy the book, you should have access to the videos at time of purchase. Otherwise, they should be able to be found on LifeWay’s website.

You could do the study without using the videos, but I think you’ll miss a lot without that extra teaching part.

Each week includes 5 days of homework. You will cover 1-2 chapters of Hebrews. Part of the first day of each week includes annotating the text (which is included in the back of the workbook) by underlining and marking repeated words. I like this aspect of it because it starts to train your brain to notice repetition and common themes. This is a major way that we can learn to read and understand the Bible on our own.

One of the common words throughout Hebrews is ‘therefore.’ Jen makes sure we look at what ideas are being connected from chapter to chapter. When we read isolated parts of Scripture we don’t always catch the context of verses and what ideas that it is addressing. Studying an entire book of the Bible in-depth is an important part of understanding the author’s intent and purpose in writing.

This devotional is titled ‘Better’ because that is a common theme of Hebrews. We don’t know who the author is for sure, but we know that he knows his Bible. He connects Old Testament passages regarding the old covenant and sacrificial system and how Jesus has come to make a better covenant, be a better priest. He is better than the angels, Abraham, and Moses. He is a better sacrifice and a better tabernacle.

I think my favorite chapter was the one on the ‘hall of faith’ where the author chronicles Old Testament figures of those who were faithful to follow and trust in the Lord about things they couldn’t see. Hebrews is a book that calls us to live a faithful life like those who have gone before us, bearing witness to the truth of Jesus, his life, and his word.

The hall of faith includes many people that lived far from perfect lives. It’s a comfort to us that we don’t have to be perfect to be faithful. It is possible to please God and that is done through faith. Abraham didn’t see his future descendants. Noah built an ark without seeing the rain. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness without seeing the Promised Land. They all trusted in God’s promises, knowing that he would always be faithful, even when they were faithless.


I always recommend Jen Wilkin’s books and studies. (I’ll hopefully be doing her Revelation one at some point.) They are solid biblical teaching that is easy to understand. Plus she encourages us to learn how to read Scripture for ourselves and to be diligent about prayer and Scripture memory.

My one regret with doing this study was that it took me longer than ten weeks. There were times that were hard to be consistent over the summer. With too long of breaks between each session at times it made it hard to remember everything we were learning and trying to connect. I would recommend doing your best to stick with the time allotted and intended for the study to have the ideal opportunity to learn the most effectively.

I did this study on my own but I think it’s meant to be shared with a group of people. I was still able to enjoy the learning and teaching portions, but I missed out on the discussion and hearing how God was teaching others through the study. Doing Bible studies with others is an important part of our faith journey.

Jen quoted someone who said that ‘Christianity is a community endeavor.’ And that is spot on. We weren’t meant to do life on our own and that includes studying the Word. Individual study is definitely still important, but as Hebrews says, ‘Don’t neglect to meet with one another as some do but encourage each other.’ One way we do that is letting God’s Word correct and reprove us and sharing that with one another so we can build each other up to good works.

I am glad to have done this study, but I’m also glad that my next Bible study (When You Pray) will be done with some other women from my church and I’m looking forward to that time of learning, growing, and praying together.

If you’re interested in other Bible study or devotional options click HERE.

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