A Living Hope in Christ

A Living Hope in Christ Book Cover

1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ
By: Jen Wilkin

This was an awesome Bible study!

I’m always hesitant to do studies because I get tired of busy work where the answers require no critical thinking.

This study forces you to wrestle with questions you’re unsure about and makes you realize how much you ‘skip over’ or assume you understand when you read Scripture.

Jen will ask what certain words and phrases mean and it’s like- ‘I know what all those words mean but I haven’t thought about how they work together.’

The homework is a bit time-consuming but it truly is essential to understanding 1 Peter and connecting all the themes. The teaching videos were helpful as well and that’s where she would answer some of the harder questions you end up leaving blank.

This is solid biblical teaching and I look forward to doing another Jen Wilkin study!


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