What’s Left Unsaid
“Sometimes one person’s mistakes set off a shock wave of devastation in the lives of those around them.”

Jesus and John Wayne
A provocative book with a damning declaration— this author failed to convince me of her thesis.

In Order to Live
“The spark of human dignity is never completely distinguished, and given the oxygen of freedom and the power of love, it can grow again.”

The Gifts of Imperfection
A very popular book that I found to be… empty.

The Rose Code
“A great WWII historical fiction book about decoding the famed Enigma machine!”

Cynical Theories
Everything you need to know about critical theory and its pervasive and dangerous influence.

Learn Like a Pro
Studying and memorization techniques but not super earth-shattering.
Romans: Vol. I
A great (and pretty) expositional study on Romans 1-8!
Play Dead
The Matrix and Ready Player One meets The Truman Show meets a spiritual allegory.

“Fundamentalism” and the Word of God
“If the human mind is set up as the measure and test of truth, it will quickly substitute for man’s incomprehensible Creator a comprehensible idol fashioned in man’s own image”

A Test of Wills
“There was no such thing as a perfect English gentleman.”
A Different Dawn
A leap day serial killer has gone undetected for decades but the FBI now has him in their sights!

Christians in a Cancel Culture
Truth cannot be cancelled. Equipping us to be both firm and compassionate in our convictions.

Ironically, I was shocked by the immorality in this book.

Just Mercy
Eye-opening look into capital punishment and the injustices done in our legal system- much to ponder.

What God Has to Say about Our Bodies
“Because we live in a created world, our bodies are a gift. But because we live in a fallen world, they might not be the gift we would have wanted.”

Finding the Right Hills to Die on
“Pursuing the unity of the church does not mean that we should stop caring about theology. But it does mean that our love of theology should never exceed our love of real people.”

A Deadly Influence
Which is more dangerous— the influence of a cult or being a social media influencer?
Men and Women in the Church
Though I was vaguely dissatisfied with this book, I believe it to be biblically sound.

The Forest of Vanishing Stars
A WWII tale of love and survival in the wilderness of Poland based on the real group 1200 Jews who hid in the forests and survived the war.