Greenwich Park
A new and bizarre friendship turns into a problem as it threatens to tear a family apart and brings danger into their home.
Ten Words to Live By
“Christianity is about relationship with God and others, and because this statement is true, Christianity is also unapologetically about rules, for rules show us how to live in those relationships.”
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
“Happiness is brief, and history is lasting, and in the end, everyone wants to be remembered.”
Surviving Religion 101
I believe every adult leaving home and entering the world should own this book.
“You should not begin to pray for all you want until you realize that in God you have all you need.”
The Edge of Lost
An inmate in Alcatraz and an orphan immigrant from Ireland are inextricably linked and their fate depends on one little girl who has gone missing.
The Color of Compromise
This was written to expose the reality of the church’s complicity in racism and I think it did that pretty clearly. I will say that there are parts of this book that concern me and I will discuss those in the second half of this review.
Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth
This is one of the best books I’ve read about social justice!
God gave us the entire Bible because we need the entire Bible. If you don’t know why, then this study is for you!
Hyperbole and a Half
Unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happened.
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
“We need James Bond with a library science degree.”
In Her Tracks
“I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that walking out that door, leaving these cases unsolved, will be both the hardest and the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” “Why the hardest?” “Because…
Broken (in the best possible way)
“Victor was like, ‘Why is there a disco ball on the credit card?’ and I said, ‘It’s not for me. It's for some famous retired monkeys who aren’t allowed to roller skate anymore.’ And that’s when Victor threatened to turn off my credit cards.”
The Secular Creed
“If we abandon Christianity, we will not find ourselves in a brave new moral world, better able to support equality for all. No, we will find ourselves unable to justify human rights for anyone.”
The Marriage Code
“Rishi couldn’t hide his real life from his parents forever, and doing so had potentially ruined the one thing he’d ever had that was real.”
The Good Sister
“My sister holds the key to my sanity (even though I never gave it to her).” I had my suspicions near the beginning but the situation is more sinister than I had first imagined. We find out right away that…
Sing Me Forgotten
“Destruction is a music all its own. One composed of drumbeats and a percussion of passion and pain.”
Taking God at His Word
“We should not abandon faith in anything God has taught us merely because we cannot solve all the problems which it raises. Our own intellectual competence is not the test and measure of divine truth. It is not for us to stop believing because we lack understanding, but to believe in order that we may understand.”
Everybody Fights
The YouTube sensation who graced the world with Christmas Jammies back in 2013 has now written a book on marriage. This book was inspired (at least partly) by people commenting on their viral song parody videos saying things like ‘#couplegoals’ and ‘What a perfect couple!’ Turns out…
The Reason for God
“Only if you struggle long and hard with objections to your faith will you be able to provide grounds for your beliefs to skeptics.” He is not threatened by your doubt, he is not disappointed in your pain, and if you come to Him, he will never turn you away. (John 6:37)