A River in Darkness
I obviously knew of the corruption and the poor living conditions for the citizens there, and the psychotic leaders they have had. But this book filled in a lot of gaps and it's worse there than you could have imagined.

16 Words
This is a short, fast read that has far-reaching benefits. It's easy to read the Bible with no concept of how what you're reading fits into the Bible as a whole. This is a great guide to give you the framework you need to help read Scripture in light of three main pillars: Creation, Covenant, and Kingdom.

Before We Were Yours
As with that book, it made it more interesting yet horrifying that this fictional person’s story was a reality for someone else.

The Returning
The first two books had more plot movement and suspense. This last book seemed more 'fluffy' I guess. Less action more experiential.

The Calling
I am really enjoying the series! You know it’s a confident and good writer when they aren’t afraid to kill off their characters. Two observations on this book:

I finally read it and I'm glad I did! It was a great book! I've read a lot of WWII stories lately, so it was really fun to read something from New York during the Revolutionary War period.

Same Kind of Different As Me
Honest. That's how I would describe this book. I loved how transparent Ron and Denver were. They let you in on their thoughts. Thoughts I think we all have at some point or another but don't want anyone to know about.

The Choosing
It challenges you to reflect on where you have your identity and what lies you are believing. And on top of all of that, it was a great story! It has a lot of elements similar to her dad’s writing but…

Orphan Train
My initial reflection on reading this book was anger and sadness. There's enough resources out there to know that immigrants and children in foster care are not always treated like human beings. It sickens me to think about the experiences families immigrating into the US or the children riding the orphan train had to endure. I can't fathom what…

Talking as Fast as I Can
Oh the memories! This was a fun read. There wasn’t a whole lot of 'behind the scenes' info about either Gilmore Girls or Parenthood but it was still fun to get in Lauren's head a little bit.

The Progeny/Firstborn
A great, fast-paced duology!

When I’m Gone
My review in one sentence: It was a complex unraveling of a compelling story while still preserving mystery until the very last page. I read this book…

Operation Bonnet
I heard this author speak in person and thought she was really funny. So I decided to try one of her books. It's not typically my go-to genre, so I guess I don't have a lot to compare it to, but it was a nice change of pace for me and did not disappoint.

Ignite Me
I don't understand how Juliette is all of a sudden the person who gets to make all the decisions and plans. Just because she decided she cared? Why would Castle, or anyone else, say 'Yeah. I think she has the best expertise. She knows…

Shatter Me

The Camel Club
Not my favorite but I’ve liked other Baldacci books. I think I’ll still give book two a chance. It’s a group of unlikely friends working together under the direction of a mysterious man (think Person of Interest) to infiltrate government operations, solve crimes…

The Dry
This was a page turner. The author strung the story together well, gradually revealing clues. I found myself going back and forth on who I thought was the killer.

Five Presidents
This one is a long one, but I really enjoyed it! It helped put different historical events in order and made connections I hadn't thought of before. I know I learned a lot of it in school, but you don't really try to remember it that much and once you're an adult, you realize more why remembering is so important.

Truly Madly Guilty
I liked Big Little Lies better than this one but it was still a decent read. The whole “ever since the bbq” suspense line got old after awhile and based on their present lives I started to wonder if it was even going to be a ‘big’ event that occurred.

The Mountain Between Us
I'm not always keen on survival stories because I feel like they all seem similar, and who really has hunting and gathering skills anyway, right?
At least this one was less about the details on skinning a rabbit and more about the slow and sweet reveal of Ben and his wife's relationship.