Rogue Lawyer
Unlike most of his novels, a lot of the book did not happen inside the courtroom. I like the law drama and questioning and seeing a case come together, so this book was not my favorite of his.
What’s Best Next
Basically to sum it up: Do the best work you can do, do all the good you can do (all work you do are good works), schedule things that matter, and know that your hope is in Christ.
Bridge to Haven
This was a jarring picture depicting our rebellion against God's desire to have a relationship with him.
Sailing Between the Stars
I am a lover of words and was very engaged in his writing style and his 'musings'. I also love to write and this book inspired me to pick up the pen again.
The Ice Twins
Good and mysterious book! Keeps you guessing.
I Was Here
Without giving too much away, I think my biggest thing with this book was the lack of hope.
P.S. I Love You
This is one of my favorite movies. Most of the time I like the books better than the movies, however this is a case where I am able to still love the book and the movie both even though there are differences.
Die Again
I will say that this book had some gruesome imagery and may not be a good book to read while you're eating lunch!
In Cold Blood
It was an interesting read. I hadn't heard of this trial at all so it was new to me.
Generous Justice
The Glass Castle
It's hard to criticize a book about someone's life. I have a hard time separating the content from the literary aspects so I suppose you can take my opinion with a grain of salt.
What If?
I love my science with a side of comic! His drawings might be better than his explanations.
We Were Liars
A group of friends. Lies and truth. And more lies. Destruction. And secrets. But I can’t tell you what happens.
52 Steps to Murder
The title is clever but I got tired of them talking allll the time about how they hated climbing up the steps and all the jokes around climbing them and falling down them. It's a lot of steps- we get it, find something else to talk about.
Speaking in Bones
I knew her books inspired the show Bones, so I had assumed I would enjoy them. I was correct!
Yes, Please
Yes Please made me like Amy Poehler less.
What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?
“The God we worship is indeed a God of love. Which does not, according to any verse in the Bible, make sexual sin acceptable. But it does, by the witness of a thousand verses all over the Bible, make every one of our sexual sins changeable, redeemable, and wondrously forgivable.”
The Hole in Our Holiness
“Is it possible you look at personal holiness like I look at camping? It’s fine for other people. You sort of respect those who make their lives harder than they have to be. But it’s not really your thing?”
He got a lot of things right in reference to the church but he kinda misses the point.
Some freaky stuff. Definitely not for young readers.