52 Steps to Murder
The title is clever but I got tired of them talking allll the time about how they hated climbing up the steps and all the jokes around climbing them and falling down them. It's a lot of steps- we get it, find something else to talk about.

Speaking in Bones
I knew her books inspired the show Bones, so I had assumed I would enjoy them. I was correct!

Yes, Please
Yes Please made me like Amy Poehler less.

What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?
“The God we worship is indeed a God of love. Which does not, according to any verse in the Bible, make sexual sin acceptable. But it does, by the witness of a thousand verses all over the Bible, make every one of our sexual sins changeable, redeemable, and wondrously forgivable.”

The Hole in Our Holiness
“Is it possible you look at personal holiness like I look at camping? It’s fine for other people. You sort of respect those who make their lives harder than they have to be. But it’s not really your thing?”

He got a lot of things right in reference to the church but he kinda misses the point.

Some freaky stuff. Definitely not for young readers.

Wuthering Heights
My first thought was, “Why would people read this?”

Gone Girl
It is a gripping tale but the author’s halfway-point-whiplash lost my trust and faith in the story.

Knowing God
This is one of my favorite books of all time.